Fall in love with Yourself!

Life is full of experiences through which we must pass for us to grow! Some of these experiences will have a bad impact on us and might bring our self-confidence down. However, these same experiences will make us work so hard to fix the gaps and become the person WE want to be. It’s our choice: fight or surrender.


We all enter adulthood with a backpack carried from the early years of our lives to our adolescence. 


But what’s in this backpack? 


In this backpack we might find bad experiences from relationships, toxic friends, social stress (by being overweight or underweight for example, or maybe our parents need us to become what they want us to become), and many more. 


Nowadays, you open social media, you find beautiful ladies talking about selflove and all. You’ll stop and think: “Of course she is going to love herself. If I had the same body or beauty, I wouldn’t have a single problem.” Or you might say: “If I had your life I will be able to love myself as you do!” Or even you might say: “Nah, she isn’t telling the truth, all of this is fake” and so on! 


However, each one of us is passing through a lot. That’s for sure! Yet we manage to wake up, get dressed, and start our day. Why not waking up and drawing a beautiful smile on our faces once we look at ourselves in the mirror. Loving yourself should be one of your 2022 goals! Believe me, once you do, miracles happen… How do I know that? I’ve been there years ago. Oh yes, I have!  


I carried this same backpack as all of you. My bag contained hating my hips and thighs along with the dream of having that perfect body type. And guess what? It doesn’t happen overnight! It took me a year of practice to reach it. A year of practice to look at myself in the mirror and say: “Wow! Sally your body looks gorgeous now. You did it!” Before, it was a nightmare for me when I step on the scale and see that I have gained 1 kg only. Imagine 1 kg puts me in depression. However, today, I say that same sentence to myself when I gain some weight. Just love yourself the way you are. 


The main question is: “How will we love ourselves?!” 


Practice this for the coming year:

Write lovely notes about yourself and stick them on the mirror so you could read them every morning such as these:

Done by one of our clients :)

Or you can talk to yourself in the mirror saying: “I love my hair, I love my eyes...” It could be any of your best features.


Remember, no one sees what you see in yourself! It’s your reaction and your words that’ll bring you down. Once you reach the level of self-love, you won’t allow anyone to say a single negative word about you! Never let anyone shake your self-confidence, including yourself. You’re beautiful the way you are, inside out. 


Memorize this: We are our own worst critics! 


Wish you a lovely year of self-love gorgeous! 


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