Myths About Black!Why black?!

Black has been everyone’s favorite for the past decade, and so far, I cannot find the reason behind it! Some say it’s classy, others say that it makes them look thin, and others also say that it goes with everything.


Whatever people are saying about this colour, I tell you it should be the opposite! 


Black might give a classy impression depending on the whole look; however, if we look at black as is, it can’t be considered a classy colour. Notice how whenever you feel down in the dumps, you tend to dress in black, which clearly states that black is a sad colour.

Yes, I find that there are colors that can be classy other than black. Why not wearing white or pastel colors? You can also wear fuchsia and royal blue and still be classy and shining.


Let’s have a look over here. We have two dresses: a black one and a red one! Which one is more appealing to you? I bet you can’t get your eyes off the red dress! Want to know why?! 

The red colour raises blood pressure in the person wearing it and whoever is seeing it. This clearly indicates that red is sexier than black! 

Now let’s move to the next point: Black colour makes you thinner! 

Who said that? Is there a study mentioning this? Well, in my defense, I have done quite some research (Not to mention that before I used to believe it, shushhh don’t tell anyone), read a lot of books, and took different colour courses from colour analysis to colour psychology, and none of them mentioned that black is a slimming colour. 


Let’s demonstrate. Shall we? 

Here are two skirts one white and one black. Now which one looks heavier, the white or the black one? I don’t know about you, but to me the black one looks heavier. Do you agree with me? 


Another example, let’s imagine two bags, one is white and the other is black. By just looking at them you can tell that the black is heavier than the white. Since that’s the case how come everyone keeps saying that black will make you look thinner/lighter?! 


Keep this in mind, there is no colour that’ll make you look thinner unless it’s your season colour. The only people that’ll look thin and sexy in black are the ones who belongs to the winter season and that’s it!


Now let’s address the part where black goes with everything! Let me stop you right there for a minute. 

Ladies, THIS IS A BIG LIE! Yes, you heard me wide and clear. Black doesn’t go with everything and the best combination of black is with its opposite colour, which is the white colour.

As an expert in colour analysis, I find that black blends well with Only colours from the winter palette!


So, there you go! 

Now tell me why black? 



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